Culture, beauty and nature at Terre di Sacra
Terre di Sacra, Capalbio 12 August 2020 Excursions in Maremma
Terre di Sacra, Capalbio 12 August 2020 Excursions in Maremma
From July 26th until September 15th Terre di Sacra will host Hypermaremma, a project that aims at creating works and events of contemporary arts to activate Maremma through art exhibitions, site-specific installations, talks, sound experiences, national and international artists.
The aim is to spark a dialogue with Southern Tuscany’s landscape and its history. The project introduces a new way to experience Maremma’s territory through the hyperactivity that distinguishes present days and new generations of artists. The clear contrast between slower time and natural rhythm of Maremma and the art installations make this project innovative and unexpected.
SPAZIO AMATO è la grande installazione luminosa al neon che l’artista Massimo Uberti ha appositamente realizzato per l’edizione 2020 di Hypermaremma. Questa opera è ospitata dalle Terre di Sacra ed è un omaggio al paesaggio di questa area della Maremma.
La cornice dell’oasi naturalistica del lago di Burano e l’oasi del WWF sono in “cortocircuito” con la didascalia al neon che l’artista ha deciso di posizionare proprio davanti al Lago di Burano. Lo spettatore si trova a riflettere sul contrasto stridente fra elementi naturali ed artificiali in un contesto fuori dal comune. Allo stesso tempo l’istallazione vuole sensibilizzare la comunità sul carattere unico del territorio, sulla necessità di tutelarlo e custodirlo nel tempo.
Massimo Uberti si focalizza nell’articolazione espressiva del paradigma della luce come spazio rivelato: anche in questa occasione l’artista utilizza la fonte luminosa del neon come traccia per ridisegnare il paesaggio che ospita l’intervento.
Guests at Terre di Sacra feel the culture of beauty and respect for nature that pervade the Tenuta. All architectural, agricultural and touristic choices here have been motivated by our respect for nature and the beauty and love for spaces.
Terre di Sacra is a firm established in 1922 born by the love of a group of entrepreneurs for a wild territory that needed to be protected and preserved. Passion and respect are still behind the choice to open the Tenuta to events such as Hypermaremma and make our Ville and Cottages’ guests participate to the cultural and artistic scene of Southern Tuscany.
The harmony between nature, love for beauty and cultural events are the key that makes staying at Terre di Sacra an unforgettable charming holiday.
Southern Tuscany and the area around Capalbio are places loved by tourists and locals for the beauty of its nature and richness in monuments. The center of Capalbio, which is not far from Terre di Sacra, is a wonderful medieval village rich in history and cultural events.
Another point of reference in the cultural scene of Capalbio is the Tarot Garden. In 1979, the French-American artist Niki de Saint Phalle started working to create such a massive project dedicated to Major Arcana of the Tarot cards. Visiting the park is an unforgettable visual experience: lights and shadows shatter against the hundreds of colorful tiles covering the arcana. Glasses, mirrors and ceramics shine under the sun of Maremma.
Olive trees in the park and the surrounding nature contrast with the statues’ bright and vivid colors.
A visit to the Tarot Garden is also perfect with children as they will be stunned by the statues’ sizes and colors.